Reptile & Amphibian History Form

    Required Fields in Red


    Reptile Name or Identification:
    Common / Scientific Species Name:
    Date of Birth:
    How long have you had this animal?
    From where did you obtain this animal?
    Does your reptile have a reproductive history?
    Please give details:
    When did your reptile last shed?
    How often has your reptile been shedding?
    Do you have any other reptiles or pets?
    Please give details:
    Have you or your reptile had any contact with other reptiles in the last 30 days?
    Please give details:
    When was the last reptile added to your collection?


    What is the primary complaint or what signs have you notice? How long have these problems been present?
    What health problems has your reptile had previously?
    Has your reptile received any treatment in the last 30 days?
    Please give details (what was used, dosage, how often, duration?)
    Have you noticed any change in your reptile's behavior?
    Please give details:
    Have any other animals or persons in the household had any illness in the last 30 days?


    What type of cage is used?
    Cage size:
    What is the cage made of?
    Other Material:
    What décor and furnishings are present?
    Is there additional ventilation (grills or mesh)?
    Please give size/details:
    Are bathing facilities provided??
    Please give details:
    How often is the cage cleaned?
    What cleaning/disinfectant agents are used?
    What heating equipment is used?
    Power in Watts
    Thermostat Control
    Power in Watts
    Thermostat Control
    Heat mat
    Thermostat Control?
    Aquarium water heater
    Power in Watts
    Thermostat Control
    Other heaters, please give details:
    Are the heat sources screened from the animals?
    Please give details:
    Can the animal(s) touch or access the heat source?
    Please give details:
    Is additional lighting provided inside the cage?
    If yes, what type of light is used?
    What is the model and manufacturer?
    When was the light last replaced?
    Are the lights screen from the animals?
    Please give details:
    Can the animals touch or access the lights?
    Please give details:
    How many hours of light are provided each day?
    Is there ever access to direct sunlight (not through glass or plastic)?
    If yes, how many hours per day or per week?
    Do you measure the humidity in the cage?
    If yes, what is the humidity level?
    What are the day time temperatures?
    Hottest area, basking area
    Coolest area
    What are the night time temperatures?
    Hottest area, basking area
    Coolest area
    Are these temperatures measured using a thermometer?
    Does anyone in the household smoke?
    Do you use any aerosolized products?
    Have there been changes in the reptile's environment in the last 3 months?
    Please give details:


    How often do you feed your animal?
    Indicate which foods are eaten and in what amounts (by number, weight, or approx volume):
    Plant material:
    If Vegetables, type & amount per feed:
    If Flowers, type & amount per feed:
    If Fruits, type & amount per feed:
    Type and number of mice per feed:
    Type and number of rats per feed:
    Birds or fish, please give details:
    Were they freshly killed / Frozen / thawed / Live? Please give details
    Do you feed any wild animals to your animal?
    Please give details
    Any other food items fed? Please give details:
    Do you use any nutritional supplements?
    If yes what, how much, and how often:
    What water supply do you provide?
    How is water provided?
    How often: [waterProvDetails]
    How often is the water changed? [waterChangeDetails]
    Do you use any water supplements?
    Please give details: [waterSupplementDetails]
    Have you noticed any changes in feeding or drinking behavior? Please give details
    Have you noticed any changes in droppings (fecal material, urine and urates)? Please give details:
    Any other comments or information: